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Maximizing Profits | Winning Blackjack Strategies for India24bet Players

Blackjack is a very popular card game around the world. You might already know how to play, but do you know how to play it really well? Are you interested in learning strategies to increase your chances of winning at the casino? Keep reading to find out the top strategies for playing Blackjack in online gaming platforms.

Blackjack Strategies

Start with the Basics

Blackjack is known for being a simple game, but it does have a few unique rules you should be aware of. Here’s a quick overview to help you get the hang of it:

Start with the Basics


Your aim is to beat the dealer by getting as close to 21 as possible without going over. If your total goes over 21, you lose.

Initial Cards

At the beginning, you’ll receive two cards. You’ll only see one of the dealer’s cards, but your cards are both face up.

Rule Variations

Various versions of the game might have small rule variations. For instance, when a player can surrender or when the dealer must hit or stand. Make sure you look over the specific rules.

Scoring 21

If you manage to score 21, you’ll likely receive 1.5 times your bet. However, this can vary depending on the casino’s rules.

Understanding Card Values

In blackjack, most cards are straightforward – only their number matters, not their suit or color. However, a few cards might be confusing for beginners in terms of their value.

In blackjack, 10, J, Q, and K are all worth the same: 10 points. The pictures on these face cards don’t affect their value.

Understanding Card Values

Aces are special in blackjack. They can be worth either one or 11, depending on what benefits you in a particular situation. For example, if you start with an Ace and a five, it can be worth either six or 16. If you draw a nine next, the Ace becomes a one, giving you a total value of 15. If you draw a three instead, the Ace is used as an 11, giving you a strong hand of 19. When you start with an Ace, it’s usually referred to as a ‘soft’ hand because of the flexibility it offers.

Mastering Basic Blackjack Strategies

In Blackjack, you need to decide what to do with each hand you receive. Should you hit, stand, double down, or split? Figuring out the best move can be challenging initially. Get to know the basic strategy chart. It shows the best mathematically calculated move for every possible player hand against the dealer’s face-up card.

Mastering Basic Blackjack Strategy

Hard Hands

A ‘hard hand’ is when your hand doesn’t have an Ace, or it has an Ace that counts as 1 to avoid going over 21. This means the total value is fixed and can’t be changed by using the Ace as 11.

Player’s HandDealer’s CardRecommended Action
5-8       2-9 Hit
9       2-6     Double Down
9          7-10, Ace   Hit
10          2-9    Double Down
10          10, Ace  Hit
11         2-10, AceDouble Down
12-16      2-6   Stand
12-16       7-10, AceHit
17 or higher   Any Stand
  • If your total is 8 or less, it’s best to choose to ‘hit’.
  • If you have a total of 9, double down if the dealer has 3-6; otherwise, ‘hit’.
  • With a total of 10 or 11, double down, unless the dealer has an Ace or a 10-value card, then ‘hit’.
  • If you have a total of 12-16, ‘hit’ if the dealer has 7-Ace, otherwise, ‘stand’.
  • If your total is 17 or higher, it’s recommended to always ‘stand’.

Soft Hands

A ‘soft hand’ is a hand that includes an Ace that can be counted as either 1 or 11 without going over 21. This gives you flexibility to optimize your chances of winning.

Player’s HandDealer’s CardRecommended Action
Ace-2, Ace-3 5-6Double Down
Ace-2, Ace-3 2-4, 7-10, AceHit
Ace-4, Ace-5   4-6  Double Down    
Ace-4, Ace-5 2-3, 7-10, AceHit
Ace-6         3-6 Double Down 
Ace-6      2, 7-10, AceHit  
Ace-7        2-8  Stand
Ace-7     9, 10, Ace Hit
  • If you have an Ace-2 or Ace-3, double down against the dealer’s 5-6, otherwise ‘hit’.
  • If you have an Ace-4 or Ace-5, double down against the dealer’s 4-6, otherwise ‘hit’.
  • With an Ace-6, double down against the dealer’s 3-6, otherwise ‘hit’.
  • If you have an Ace-7, ‘stand’ against the dealer’s 2-8, double down against 3-6, ‘hit’ against 9-Ace.
  • If you have an Ace-8 or Ace-9, always ‘stand’.


A ‘pair’ means getting two cards of the same rank in your starting hand. For example, two 8s, two Kings, or two Aces.

Player’s HandDealer’s CardRecommended Action
Aces           Any Split
2s, 3s         4-7  Split
2s, 3s       2-3, 8-10, AceHit
4s         5-6    Split
4s          2-4, 7-10, AceHit
6s         2-6Split
6s           7-10, AceHit
7s            2-7        Split
7s     8-10, AceHit
9s             2-6, 8-9Split
9s        7, 10, AceStand
10s          Any Stand
  • Always split Aces and 8s.
  • Never split 5s and 10s.
  • Split 2s and 3s if the dealer has 4-7, otherwise ‘hit’.
  • Split 4s if the dealer has 5-6, otherwise ‘hit’.
  • Split 6s if the dealer has 3-6, otherwise ‘hit’.
  • Split 7s if the dealer has 2-7, otherwise ‘hit’.
  • Split 9s if the dealer has 2-6 or 8-9, otherwise ‘stand’ against 7, 10, or Ace.

Strategies to Avoid in Blackjack

Some players believe in increasing their bets after a win, thinking it will give them an advantage. This is called a positive betting progression. However, since each hand’s outcome is determined by the cards and not influenced by the previous game, this strategy doesn’t actually work.

Additionally, it can lead to losing all your winnings. The same applies to the opposite approach: increasing your bet after a loss.

Strategies to Avoid in Blackjack

Expecting a Win Based on Past Results

Some players think that if they haven’t won in a few hands, their chances of winning the next one will go up, believing they’re ‘due’ for a win.

However, the reality is that your chances of winning aren’t influenced by previous outcomes. The cards don’t have memory.

So, it’s not wise to bet based on what happened before, as it won’t affect your chances in the future.

Avoiding Less Strategic Players

Imagine three people at a Blackjack table. One of the players looks uncertain.

Some players don’t always follow the best strategies, and it might seem like their decisions lead to losses for the rest of the table.

It’s true that less strategic plays can impact the outcome. However, mathematically, it’s just as likely for a ‘wrong’ play to lead to a win for everyone as it is to lead to a loss.

So, don’t let others’ choices distract you. They could just as easily contribute to a win.

Recovering from Setbacks

Remember, Blackjack is a game meant for enjoyment. It’s important to understand that occasional losses are part of the experience. Resist the urge to keep playing in an attempt to recover lost money.

Insurance Bets

Unless you’re counting cards, it’s not a wise move to place an insurance bet. This is essentially placing another bet with new money based on whether the dealer has blackjack.

In general, the house has nearly a 6 percent advantage over the player with an insurance bet,” warns Marchel. “Even if you have blackjack, you’ll only win your original bet. If the dealer also has blackjack, it’s a push—no win, no lose.

Key Points from Basic Blackjack Strategy

To get started with the blackjack strategy, remember these important points and use them in your games right away.

Key Points from Basic Blackjack Strategy

Stand on 17 or higher

Holding a hard 17 or higher is a good move, even if the dealer has a strong card like an Ace or 10.

Double Down on 11

A hard 11 is a strong starting hand, so consider doubling down to increase your chances of winning.

Split 8s and Aces

It’s recommended to split a pair of eights or aces at the beginning, regardless of the dealer’s card. It’s worth the extra bet. For nines, it’s similar, but it’s best to stand if the dealer has 7, 10, or Ace.

Never Split 10s

With a total of 20, you have a great chance of winning, so it’s best to stand.

Hit on Ace-7 if Dealer shows 9, 10, or Ace

While Ace-7 can be a decent start, it’s advisable to hit if the dealer’s card is higher than 8, as they are likely to form a stronger hand than 18.

Stand with 12 against Dealer’s 4, 5, or 6

It’s best to stand only when the dealer shows a 4, 5, or 6. Otherwise, it’s better to hit, as their hidden card may lead to a stronger hand than 12.

Stand with 13, 14, 15, or 16 against Dealer’s 2-6

If your hand totals 13, 14, 15, or 16, and the dealer shows a 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, it’s best to stand. If the dealer’s card is higher, consider hitting to try and improve your hand. If surrender is an option, use it on 16 against a 9, 10, or Ace.


The main goal in Blackjack is to beat the dealer by getting as close to 21 as possible without going over. If your total exceeds 21, you lose.

A ‘soft’ hand in Blackjack refers to a hand that includes an Ace that can be counted as either 1 or 11 without exceeding a total of 21. This provides flexibility to optimize the player’s chances of winning.

Players should refer to the basic strategy chart, which provides the mathematically calculated best move for every possible player hand against the dealer’s face-up card. This chart helps players decide whether to hit, stand, double down, or split.

Unless you’re counting cards, it’s generally not advisable to place an insurance bet. The house has a significant advantage with this type of bet, and even if you have blackjack, you’ll only win your original bet.

Yes, different versions of the game may have slight rule differences. For instance, rules regarding when a player can surrender or when the dealer must hit or stand may vary. It’s important to check the specific rules of the game you’re playing.


In conclusion, mastering the fundamental strategies outlined in this article can significantly enhance your chances of success in Blackjack. Understanding the nuances of ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ hands, as well as knowing when to hit, stand, double down, or split, empowers you to make informed decisions at the gaming table. Remember, responsible play and a clear understanding of the game’s dynamics are key to enjoying the thrilling world of Blackjack to its fullest.

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