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Teen Patti 101 | A Beginner’s Guide to the Popular Card Game

Teen Patti stands as a widely enjoyed card game with its roots tracing back to India. Alternately referred to as Three Cards, Flush, and Flash, this exhilarating card game draws inspiration from popular English counterparts such as 3 Card Brag and Poker. Despite its influences, Teen Patti has carved its own niche, enthralling players across generations. Renowned for its uncomplicated rules and strategic gameplay, 3 Patti has solidified its presence at social gatherings, festive occasions, and digital platforms throughout India.

Teen patti

For those unacquainted with the nuances of Teen Patti, this guide provides comprehensive insights into the game’s rules and gameplay, offering an opportunity to delve into the world of Teen Patti with a clear understanding.

Dealing In Teen Patti

Teen Patti, a poker variant played with three cards and designed for a participant count ranging from 3 to 6 players, revolves around the objective of securing the most favorable 3-card hand and strategically placing bets in anticipation of the ultimate showdown.

Dealing In Teen Patti

At the commencement of the game, each player receives a set of 3 cards dealt face-down. Prior to the distribution of cards, there is a consensus on a predetermined boot amount, which is then collected from each player. This boot amount serves as the initial stake contributed to the pot, centrally positioned on the table. Throughout the course of the game, the pot accumulates, becoming the coveted prize for the triumphant player of the round. The victor is determined by the individual who successfully navigates the entire hand while possessing the highest-ranking or optimum hand.

Hand Rankings In Teen Patti

The hierarchy of hands in Teen Patti, ranked from the most potent to the least, is delineated as follows:

Hand Rankings In Teen Patti
  • Trail (Three of a Kind/Set/Trio): Consists of three cards sharing the same rank. Aces hold the highest value, while twos rank as the lowest.
  • Pure Sequence (Straight Flush/Run): Comprises three consecutive cards of identical suits, exemplified by sequences like A-K-Q of diamonds.
  • Sequence (Straight/Normal Run): Encompasses three cards in consecutive order, irrespective of their suits.
  • Color (Flush/Colous): Involves three cards of the same suit that do not form a sequence. In cases of comparison, the highest value card takes precedence, followed by subsequent cards. The most superior color is A-K-J, with the lowest being 5-3-2.
  • Pair (Two of a Kind): Entails two cards of equal rank. When comparing pairs, the primary consideration is given to the pair itself. In the event of a tie, the highest non-paired card determines the winner. The highest pair is A-A-K, while the lowest is 2-2-3.
  • High Card: If the three cards fail to align with any of the above categories, the comparison is based on the highest card, followed by the second-highest, and so forth. The most formidable high card hand is A-K-J (with mixed suits), while the least powerful is 5-3-2.

Common Terms In Teen Patti

Here are the terminology used in Teen Patti:

Common Terms In Teen Patti


The boot, also known as the ante, entry fee, or pot, represents the minimum amount collectively placed on the table by all players before the cards are dealt. It initiates the game, serving as the starting point for the pot and constituting a mandatory bet.


In Teen Patti, a post is an obligatory contribution made by players joining a game after the initial boot. Similar to an ante, it ensures a minimum pot value before the commencement of the hand.

Stake Amount

The stake amount is the sum a blind player bets during their turn for the subsequent player. If a seen player places the bet, the stake amount for the next player is halved. However, if the next player is playing blind, the bet equals or doubles the stake amount.

Blind Player

A blind player opts for a blind bet without viewing their cards. Blind players can play blind, pack, or show. If the first player plays blind, the current stake equals the boot.

Seen Player

A seen player has viewed their cards, allowing them to play chaal, pack, show, or sideshow. This privilege enables them to gather information about opponents’ hands before making decisions.

Call & Raise (Chaal)

Chaal involves placing a bet equivalent to the current stake, enabling players to stay in the hand without folding or raising the bet.

Sideshow or Backshow

A sideshow is a player’s request to compare their cards with the preceding player’s cards, provided no other player has requested a sideshow before.

Show or Showdown

The show occurs when players reveal their cards, determining the winner when only two players remain. The highest-ranking hand claims the pot.

Teen Patti Hands

These encompass various card combinations during the game, including sequences, trails, pairs, colors, pure sequences, and high cards.

No Limit

No Limit is a betting structure allowing players to wager any amount of chips or money at any time, without a maximum limit, encouraging bold moves and all-in strategies.

Fixed Limit

Fixed Limit entails predetermined minimum and maximum bet limits for each round. Players must adhere to these fixed limits, with no adjustments allowed during the hand.

Pot Limit

Pot Limit sets the maximum bet equal to the current pot size. Players can raise bets up to the pot amount, heightening excitement and potential winnings.

Spread Limit

Spread Limit offers a range of allowed bet sizes, granting players flexibility while maintaining control over bet size within the specified range.

Betting Process in Teen Patti

The gameplay in Teen Patti unfolds to the left of the dealer, progressing in a clockwise direction. Once players receive their cards, they engage in betting to determine the holder of the best hand. Before betting, participants can opt to bet blind, without viewing their cards, or bet after inspecting them. Those betting without looking are termed blind players, while those looking before betting are seen players. Betting circulates around the table, with players having the choice to bet nothing and fold. If a player folds, they forfeit all betting opportunities and the money contributed to the pot.

Betting Process in Teen Patti

Blind Player

Blind players refrain from inspecting their cards before betting. To play blind, a player places a bet in the pot, equivalent to but not exceeding twice the total in the pot. If the player is the first in line, the bet must be at least equal to the boot.

Stake amount, the bet made by a blind player, sets the stake amount for the next player, which they must match or surpass. For seen players, the stake amount is only half of their bet.

A blind player may request a blind show, revealing both players’ cards, with the winner taking the pot. To initiate a show, certain conditions must be met:

  • All but two players must exit the game.
  • If you are a blind player, the show costs the amount of the stake, regardless of the other player’s status (blind or seen).
  • The show must be paid for before inspecting your cards.
  • Seen players cannot request a show; they can either bet or fold.
  • If both players are seen, a show costs twice the current stake, and either player may request it.
  • In case of equal hands after the show, the player who didn’t pay for the show wins the hand.

Seen Player

Seen players have the options to chaal, fold, show, or request a sideshow. After examining their cards, seen players must play chaal to stay in the game.

To play chaal, a seen player places a bet in the pot, ranging from twice to four times the current stake (or the boot if they are the first player). If the preceding player was blind, their bet becomes the stake amount; if seen, half their bet serves as the stake amount.

Seen players can call for a show or a sideshow following the specified rules. In a sideshow, a player proposes a card comparison with the previous player, applicable only if the preceding player was seen, and there are still at least two players in the game. To request a sideshow, the player places an amount double the current stake in the pot. The previous player may accept or decline the sideshow.

If the previous player accepts the sideshow and has superior cards, the current player must fold. Conversely, if the current player has better cards, the previous player folds, and the play proceeds to the next participant. If the sideshow is denied, cards are not compared, and the game continues.

Teen Patti Hands Probability

Teen Patti Hands Probability

In the Teen Patti game, the likelihood or probability of achieving specific hands can be calculated. Here are the probabilities of obtaining different 3 Patti hands, along with their frequencies and odds:

Teen Patti Hands FrequencyProbabilityOdds
Pure Sequence or Flush480.22%459.42:1
Sequence or Straight7203.26%29.69:1
Color or Flush10964.96%19.16:1
High Card1644074.39%0.34:1


Teen Patti, also known as Three Cards, Flush, or Flash, is a popular card game with roots in India. It draws inspiration from English games like 3 Card Brag and Poker but has its unique rules and charm.

The goal is to secure the most favorable 3-card hand and strategically place bets to win the accumulated pot.

The hierarchy includes Trail (Three of a Kind), Pure Sequence, Sequence, Color, Pair, and High Card.

Betting unfolds to the left of the dealer, progressing clockwise. Players can bet blind or after inspecting their cards, with options to call, raise, fold, or show.

Blind players bet without viewing their cards, while seen players examine their cards before betting. The stake amount differs for blind and seen players.


In conclusion, Teen Patti stands as an engaging card game deeply embedded in Indian culture, offering a perfect blend of strategy and chance. Whether played at social gatherings, festive occasions, or on digital platforms, its uncomplicated rules and diverse betting structures make it accessible to players of all skill levels, ensuring a thrilling experience for generations to come. As players explore the nuanced hand rankings, common terms, and betting processes outlined in this guide, Teen Patti invites them to partake in a rich tradition of card gaming, creating memorable moments and fostering camaraderie.

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